Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Can You Feel It In Your Bones?

Music is meant for those bone chilling, goose bump producing, titillating moments. A climax in a song is beautiful. You can find them in any genre and in any artist. Sometimes you have to look hard but when you find one it is magical. Recently, I came upon one and I want to share it.

Lady Antebellum: "All For Love"

When Charles reaches the point in the song where everything is elevated, it is just one of those moments. So powerful, so deeply invested in emotion. Paired with the striking music, this moment in the song is as good as it gets in terms of emotional connection between the song and the listener. It's the song where you throw up your closed fist, close your eyes and yell into the night. Charles's voice is so powerful here, it makes me shiver.

Another moment in music.

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