Alex Clark is the man behind everything and he gets some help from his wife on vocals and his brother on drums.
Toy Tiger is a diverse collection of tunes, old and new, that musically, just makes all the sense in the world. There is something catchy, something to hang onto in every song. Whether it is the Stevie Wonder-esque funky keys in "Tell Me True," the mesmerizing acoustic and electric melodies and riff in "Give and Take," or the thud thumping snare drum in the chorus in "Pest House," Toy Tiger's songs are all easy to hold on to and addicting to play.
When listening a lot of people might think Toy Tiger started with Brendan Benson as a benchmark (vocals are even similar) but Clark goes way past that. The instrumentation is fantastic and multidimensional. It's a collection of many styles. His vocal range is great too. So low in "End of Time." Falsetto in "Tell Me True." Crazy good.
Favorite song: "Stephanie" It's been too long. Constantly in my head. Makes me wish my girlfriend's name was three syllables.
You can find Toy Tiger's music on Spotify and iTunes.